A Fig House Wedding full of Color and Personality .

bride in a sleeveless ivory lace dress and groom  in a blue suit at the fig house in highland park sitting on a pink couch and about to kiss. los angeles wedding photographer

A Wedding at The Fig House is my kind of Wedding.

Planning a wedding is a personal, intricate, and special experience for each couple. This romantic, quirky, and colorful wedding at The Fig House in Highland Park exemplifies just that. From the bride’s unique attire to the heartfelt ceremony and vibrant reception, every detail of this event was a true reflection of the couple’s individuality and love story.

bride in white sitting on pink couch at The Fig House Wedding

The bride’s dress was absolutely enchanting.

The bride’s choice of an ivory wedding dress from a consignment shop added a touch of charm to the occasion. The sleeveless design showcased her stunning tattoos and embodied a sense of freedom and self-expression. Pairing this with hand-painted Vans featuring song lyrics added a personalized and whimsical element to her ensemble. It perfectly captured her playful spirit and the couple’s shared love for music.

bride holding her unique purple bouquet

A purple bouquet that made my heart sing.

Accompanying the bride’s unconventional yet beautiful attire was a gorgeous purple bouquet crafted by a local floral shop. The choice of vibrant purple not only added a pop of color but also symbolized enchantment and admiration, reflecting the deeply romantic nature of the occasion.

view of grooms shoes, groom's attire tiger eye dress shoes and blue suit and blue socks

The groom’s attire was on point!

The groom’s attire was equally striking, with a beautiful blue suit that exuded elegance and sophistication. Paired with dress shoes reminiscent of tiger eye stone, his ensemble radiated a sense of strength and resilience. The complementary purple hellebore boutonnière tied the groom’s look seamlessly to the bride’s bouquet, symbolizing the harmonious union of their individual styles and personalities.

fig house wedding ceremony courtyard with bride and groom under pepper tree.

A sweet and personal ceremony for this Fig House Wedding.

The ceremony was a soul-stirring affair under the sheltering canopy of a large pepper tree, lending an air of natural grandeur and tranquility to the proceedings. The couple chose to have a close friend officiate the ceremony, infusing the event with a profoundly personal touch. This decision underscored the couple’s desire to craft a ceremony that resonated deeply with their shared experiences and the values they hold dear, adding an intimate and heartfelt dimension to the union of their lives.

fig house wedding reception table with hand painted table runner and bud vases with flowers.

The most unique reception tables ever!

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the reception unfolded with an unmistakable vibrancy and warmth. Hand-painted table runners adorned the reception tables, each adorned with the lyrics from several of the couple’s favorite songs. This bespoke touch not only added a whimsical element to the decor but also invited guests to share in the couple’s musical journey, creating an atmosphere of shared joy and celebration.

The tables were further adorned with bud vases filled with bright blooms, infusing the space with a riot of colors. The choice of these vibrant blooms alongside the hand-painted table runners echoed the couple’s desire to create an environment rich and diverse as their love, fostering an ambiance of unbridled joy and togetherness.

Room forty appetizer plate at the fig house

Don’t forget about great food and drinks!

No wedding is complete without delectable food and drinks. The food and drinks for the night were nothing short of top-notch, aligning seamlessly with the couple’s commitment to providing their guests with an unforgettable experience. The culinary delights and meticulously crafted beverages reflected the couple’s discerning tastes and desire to treat their guests to an evening of pure indulgence.

bride and groom recessional from their ceremony both smiling with happiness at the fig house

Fig House Weddings are the Best!

This quirky, and colorful wedding at The Fig House was a symphony of personal touches, vibrant colors, and heartfelt moments. From the unconventional yet stunning attire to the soul-stirring ceremony and the lively reception. Every aspect of this celebration was a testament to the couple’s unique love story and their shared journey. This wedding serves as a beautiful reminder that love is colorful, unconventional, and deeply personal. Each love story is as unique as the individuals who create it.

Written while watching Gordon Ramsay’s Uncharted

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Trista Maja
